There is currently limited availability within all our membership categories, our Membership form can be found at the link below.
Membership Application Form
2023/2024 Membership year:
• 7 day membership - Annual subscription £1152
• 6 day membership (Sun-Fri) Annual subscription £1032
• 5 day Membership (Mon-Fri) - Annual subscription £864
• Country Membership - Annual subscription £240
• Low or Modest Income
As a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) Baberton is open to the whole community including those on low or modest incomes.
Anyone who cannot afford full membership should apply to the Club Manager and be able to demonstrate that the full cost of membership is not affordable to them. Each application will be considered on its merits.
• Young Adult – (18 to 32 years)
Annual subscription:
Age 18 to 19 – £288
Age 20 to 21 – £432
Age 22 to 25 – £576
Age 26 to 27 - £720
Age 28 to 29 - £864
Age 30 to 32 - £1008
Pay annual subscription in full or monthly direct debit.
• Junior, Minor & Juvenile (8 to 17 years).
Annual subscription:
Juvenile – 8 to 11 – £60
Minor – 12 to 14 – £90
Junior – 15 to 17 – £120
• Other
Student - £120
Social - £138
Spouse - £42
* All golfers 18 and older must pay an additional £14.50 to Scottish Golf Limited and gents a further £1.50 Lothians’ Golf Association Fees.
Corporate membership - Can be tailored to your specific requirements.
If you have any queries, please contact the Club office to discuss.